Published on
April 21, 2022

The true impact of a bad commute to work

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Missing your train, being squashed on the train or entering the office with a suit soaked from the rain. No matter what situation you’ve been faced with, it’s almost a certainty that you would have experienced a bad commute to work. 

But just how much of an issue can a commute to work cause?

Well, it’s important to note that 76% of Londoners would quit a job because of their commute quality, with 54% of workers from across the UK also stating the same (according to TotalJobs, 2021). It seems that this is due to the paradigm shift that the pandemic caused as the vast majority of workers began to work from home for the first time ever and are some are now reluctant to get back to the office. 

Now, the comforts of working from home are making it harder for businesses to recall their staff back to the workplace, with the same TotalJobs study stating that 44% of Londoners (and 25% of British workers) claim that they’re willing to leave their job if they were asked to go back to the office.

Reasons why workers would quit their job (TotalJobs, 2021)

This issue is extended even further when it comes to the younger generation as 70% of Gen Z and Millennials would quit their job if the commute does not fit their lifestyle (TotalJobs, 2021).

It is therefore clear that in a post-pandemic world, companies should not only be looking at the ways in which their staff commute to work, but also looking at how to improve these transport options for the benefit of their entire workforce. This is why RideTandem was born as we wanted to provide great solutions to the commuter crisis, enabling companies to provide efficient ways for their team to get to work but to also provide opportunities to engage a talent pool that live beyond the local area. 

If you’d like to explore new opportunities to get your team to work in an effective and sustainable way, then contact RideTandem today via or 01933812235.

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