Häufig gestellte Fragen

Schauen Sie sich einige häufig gestellte Fragen zu den Shuttlebusdiensten von RideTandem an.


Passengers are booked on but they’re not at the stop. What should the driver do?
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Generally we would advise the driver to wait 1 minute past departure time if passengers are missing, unless previously agreed with our operations team to hold departure for a passenger. If it is a return trip and passengers are missing please call our Operations team who will advise.

How will the driver know if a passenger's ticket is valid?
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A valid ticket when scanned will display a green circle with a tick mark; an invalid ticket when scanned will display a red circle with an X. A valid ticket will also have a date & time corresponding to the current trip, and will have a moving bar running above the QR code during the live trip period.Tickets that are no longer valid (i.e. if the ticket has been cancelled) will display a banner to tell you this. If there are multiple buses, check that the vehicle registration on the ticket matches the vehicle they are trying to board. Some passengers may have paper tickets, if these do not scan this is likely an invalid ticket that they have not booked. If ever in any doubt, please call our Operations team who will be able to assess the situation and advise.

When a stop has a time linked to it, is this the time the driver should arrive or depart?
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Times shown are departure times, however please allow 1 minute waiting time if passengers are missing. If in doubt, call our Operations team.

Do drivers have to go to all the pickups even if some don’t have passengers booked on?
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On some routes, passengers are able to book tickets right up until the departure time, so drivers must go to all pickups even if there are no passengers booked on. If there are any stops that aren’t used frequently, let your manager know.

What should I do if a vehicle is delayed or suffers a breakdown?
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Delays or breakdowns should be reported immediately when safe to do so to our Operations team on 01933 812235.

Where can drivers find the Operations number during a live trip?
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In the app there is a phone symbol that says “support” underneath. Clicking this will take you to our Operations team contact details. On the main screen this will be found at the top right and during a live trip this will be on the bottom left of the screen.

Will using the driver app use up internet data?
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An internet connection is required to download and install the app, so we recommend this is done over WiFi to limit data usage. An internet connection is required for use of the app, including during a live trip to send location changes and passenger events to our hub. This will require a limited amount of mobile data.

When should the driver start the trip?
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Drivers should start the trip in the app when they begin their journey to the first pickup point, and no later than 30 minutes before the scheduled first pick up departure time.

If all passengers are on board, can the driver leave early?
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Drivers must always wait until the scheduled departure time.

How can I contact your operations team?
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Throughout the app drivers will see a phone icon with “support” beneath it. Tapping this will open a pop-up with our Operations team’s number to call in one tap.

Who should drivers contact during a live trip?
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Drivers should contact our Operations team for all queries during a live trip. Phone 01933 812235 24/7 to get help.

Which Ride Tandem app should drivers download?
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Drivers should download the RideTandem Driver app with the black and yellow icon (NOT the RideTandem Rider app with the black and teal icon).

Do you provide driver app training?
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All training and guides are provided prior to routes going live. Our Operations team is on hand to support drivers and operators throughout live trips. Your account manager can help with any non-live trip related queries.

Müssen Fahrer Zahlungen der Fahrgäste für Tickets entgegennehmen?
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Nein, die Tickets werden von den Fahrgästen vor dem Einsteigen in den Bus gebucht und in ihrer Fahrgast-App gespeichert. Der Fahrer muss nur den QR-Code auf dem Fahrschein scannen.

Is tracking always on and why do you need location services to be on?
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No - location tracking is only active during a live trip: from the time you tap ‘start trip’ in the app, to the time you tap ‘complete trip’ in the app (or it automatically completes upon arrival to the final stop). We need location permissions set to "always" to provide live updates to clients. This allows us to maintain tracking during trips if another app is opened or your screen goes into sleep mode.

I have a non live trip related query. Who should I contact?
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Your account manager will be your contact for any queries regarding routes, and also someone you can reach out to with feedback and questions. You can find their contact details in your onboarding email/contracts.

Why do drivers need to use the app?
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Our clients require us to monitor live trips and notify them of any issues, such as delays, in real time Most clients also require tracking of passengers boarded and absent..Using the Driver app allows you to easily scan passenger tickets, and share tracking information without our Operations team having to disrupt you during your trip for updates.

Welche Versicherungsunterlagen benötigen wir?
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Wir benötigen digitale Kopien Ihrer Transportunternehmer-Lizenz, Ihrer Betriebshaftpflicht-, Arbeitgeberhaftpflicht- und Kraftfahrzeugversicherung, um Sie als Anbieter bei uns erfassen zu können.

Why can’t I add a driver to the Transport Operator Dashboard?
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If you encounter any issues, please contact your account manager (or Operations when out of hours) and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Do I need to use the Transport Operator Hub every day?
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You can assign drivers and vehicles to trips daily or for the week ahead - whatever works best for you. But these must be assigned at least 30 mins in advance of the trip departure time.

Why do you need my driver's phone number?
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A mobile number is required to register a user securely for our Driver app. Having access to the driver’s phone number also allows our Operations team to communicate with them quickly and efficiently during a live trip in case of any issues.

Do you provide Hub and Driver app training?
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All training and guides are provided prior to routes going live. Our Operations team is on hand to support drivers and operators throughout live trips. Your account manager can help with any non-live trip related queries.

Why do I have to assign a driver and vehicle to trips?
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You must assign a driver to a trip to enable the driver to see and track the trip in our Driver app. This also gives our Operations team contact information for the driver should any issues arise.Assigning a vehicle to a trip allows our passengers to see the vehicle details in our Rider app, to show them which vehicle they should be boarding.

Was ist das Transportunternehmen Dashboard?
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Das Dashboard ist ein Portal, auf dem Sie anstehende Fahrten sehen können, in der Regel 7 Tage im Voraus. Hier sollten Sie Ihrem Konto Fahrer und Fahrzeuge hinzufügen. Sobald diese hinzugefügt sind, können Sie den Fahrern Fahrten zuweisen. Sie erhalten einen Login-Link, sobald Sie als Anbieter freigeschaltet sind. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, diesen Link als Lesezeichen in Ihrem Browser zu speichern, um einen einfachen Zugriff zu ermöglichen.

Do I always have to assign the agreed capacity vehicle?
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The Hub will tell you the minimum size vehicle you must assign based on our agreement with you. You are free to assign a larger vehicle, however you won’t be able to assign anything smaller, and we will pay you for the agreed sized vehicle only. If you are unable to provide the correct capacity vehicle, you must let us know as soon as possible.

Can we have more than one admin on the Transport Operator Hub?
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Yes - you can have multiple admin logins.

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I am having trouble paying for my tickets. Can I pay for them another time?
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If you are experiencing difficulties keeping up with payments, please email or call to discuss your options.

My phone doesn’t work so I can’t show the driver my ticket. What should I do?
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You should be able to access your tickets without data. However if you are still having issues viewing your ticket, please contact us for assistance. We are also able to email a paper boarding pass to you to show the driver if you do not have access to a smartphone.

My invoice is not right. Can you help?
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If you believe there has been a mistake, please email us at hello@ridetandem.com so we can investigate this for you.

Why have you taken payment today when I did not travel?
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Your card is charged approximately 24 hours after you travel with us. You can review all of your invoices with your exact dates of travel in the app by tapping the top left menu icon, tapping Payments, and tapping Payment history.

I am unable to find my bus. Where is it?
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You’re able to track the location of your vehicle via the app Map tab, usually around 10-15 minutes before the journey is due to start. This service isn’t available for all journeys. If you cannot track your vehicle via the app, then assume it will arrive at the scheduled time unless we contact you to notify you otherwise.

How do I know which vehicle to get in?
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Your ticket will show you the colour and registration of the vehicle if we have this information available in advance. If you’re unsure if the vehicle is the right one, ask the driver for the destination or contact RideTandem to confirm.

Where is the exact location of the stop? Can I have details or a picture to show where to stand?
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The exact location of the stop can be found in the app by tapping on your upcoming trip, and selecting the Map tab.If you enable location services on your device when you register for our app, or at any time from your device settings, you will be able to see the location of your assigned vehicle in relation to your current location. If you are still having difficulty locating the stop please contact us via email or phone for clarification.

Can you book my ticket for me?
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You can easily book your ticket by using our Rider app. If you are having trouble using the app, please email or call us for assistance.

I want to book tickets for a route that isn’t showing up in my app
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Please contact your employer or ride-organising organisation to get the correct Route Code to register in the app, or they may be able to register you directly

What time does the transport arrive / leave?
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The time on your ticket is the time the bus will depart from the stop. Please be at your pick up stop at least 5 mins before departure time to avoid missing the bus.

Can I be dropped off closer to my house instead of the bus stop?
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Drivers will only stop at designated stops that are planned. If there’s a more convenient stop you think should be added to the route please speak to your employer.

I am running late for the bus. Can the driver wait for me?
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We kindly ask that all passengers arrive at the pickup stop at least 5 minutes before the trip is scheduled to depart. This helps have enough time for the driver to check tickets and avoids delays in getting all passengers to work on time. Drivers are required to leave each stop at the scheduled departure time.

Can I bring my electric scooter/bicycle/moped on the coach with me?
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We’re unable to transport any type of vehicle including bicycles on the transport due to space restrictions and safety reasons.

Why can’t I cancel my ticket?
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Tickets can be cancelled in the app up to one hour before scheduled trip departure. Kindly note we cannot cancel tickets once a trip has started and you will be charged for your trip if there is a price associated.

I could not go to work due to illness. Can you refund my ticket?
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You can cancel your own ticket via the app up to an hour before the trip is scheduled to start and avoid being charged. Kindly note that after the trip has started, you will not be able to cancel your ticket and will be charged for your journey if there is a price associated.

Can I use my ticket on another day or time?
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Your ticket is only valid for the date and time stated on the ticket. If you need to change this please cancel your ticket via the app at least an hour before scheduled trip departure and rebook for your preferred date or time.

Can I book a one way ticket?
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This is possible on some routes. However, some employers require passengers to book a return trip. If you regularly only require a one-way ticket, please speak with your employer to request they change your route policy.

I have a ticket for a trip that is happening now but I don’t need it. Can you cancel my ticket?
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You can cancel your own ticket via the app up to an hour before the trip is scheduled to start and avoid being charged. Kindly note that after the trip has started, you will not be able to cancel your ticket and will be charged for your journey if there is a price associated.

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Was muss ich tun, um eine Route einzurichten ?
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Wir vereinbaren einen Termin mit Ihnen, um zu besprechen, was Sie von unserem Service erwarten und welche besonderen Herausforderungen Sie zu bewältigen haben - sei es die Stärkung der Mitarbeiterbindung, die Verbesserung der Personalbeschaffung, das Erreichen von Nachhaltigkeitszielen oder etwas anderes. Sobald wir ein klares Bild davon haben, welche Herausforderungen Sie angehen wollen, vermitteln wir Ihnen einen geprüften Transportunternehmer aus unserem landesweiten Netzwerk.

Kann ich die erstellte Route verändern?
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Selbstverständlich. Wir schlagen Ihnen auch regelmäßig bessere/alternative Routen vor, die möglicherweise optimaler zu den Bedürfnissen Ihres Teams passen könnten.

Was passiert, wenn mit dem Bus etwas schief geht?
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Die Shuttlebusse von RideTandem sind ein vollständig verwalteter Dienst. Unser 24/7-Supportteam kümmert sich proaktiv um Ihre Fahrten, indem es Probleme wie Verkehr und Straßensperrungen vorhersieht. Auf diese Weise begrenzen wir die Zahl der verspäteten Fahrten und arbeiten effektiv daran, Verzögerungen vorzubeugen. Ersatzbusse oder andere Transportmittel werden im Falle eines Ausfalls eingesetzt, damit alle Fahrgäste an Ihr Ziel gelangen.

Kann ich individuelle Tickets während und vor der Fahrt einsehen?
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Unser Dashboard ermöglicht Ihnen, alle Mitarbeiter oder Agenturarbeiter einzusehen, die sich für jeden Dienst angemeldet haben. Sobald die Fahrt beginnt, können Sie Passagiere beim Einsteigen des Busses in Echtzeit mitverfolgen, während ihre QR-Code-Tickets gescannt werden.

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