Published on
December 7, 2022

RideTandem Included in Transport Tech 50 List

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To close off what has been an exciting year for the team at RideTandem, we’re honoured to have just been named as one of the companies making the Transport Tech 50, a list of the UK’s most innovative teams creating original technology for mobility.

The annual ranking started with 97 companies nominated by BusinessCloud and is whittled down to 50 by public votes and an independent judging panel.

Joining us in the final 50 are many great names from across the UK, including the likes of hiyacar and What3words.

Celebrating making this list, our Marketing Executive Ted Lawlor says “Since joining the team in April, it’s been amazing to witness the fast growth of RideTandem. After winning many awards in the later stages of 2022, being included in the Transport Tech 50 list is the cherry on the cake for what has been a great year for everyone at RideTandem.” 

If you think your team would benefit from a RideTandem Shuttle, then please contact us below for more information.

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illustration of ridetandem map markers on a floating road