Published on
June 24, 2022

3 Ways to Improve Workplace Wellbeing

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The past few years have been full of changes, the results of which are still being felt to this day - particularly in terms of mental health in the workplace.

Recent research from Indeed revealed that 52% of employees felt burnt out over the past year as more employees begin feeling the aftermath of recent years.

‍That's why we at RideTandem collaborated with the team at Ben, using their guide on how to avoid workplace burnout to see what can be done to improve employee wellbeing. 

Ben correctly state that "it’s never been more important to understand burnout" and that there are fortunately various ways in which we can help reduce it - but what are these solutions?

[‍To find out more about the symptoms and the causes of burnout and the various forms in can manifest itself as, view the full guide from Ben.]

Solution 1: Set Boundaries

In their guide, Ben outline the importance of setting boundaries as a way to avoid stress. As an employee, you may find it beneficial to set boundaries with colleagues, managers and the workload itself in order to better manage your time and energy. 

Ben suggest that boundaries can be set by not taking on extra responsibilities if the workload is already too much for example, as well as setting a daily routine that leaves space for other areas of your life.

From an employer's perspective, this could be a great opportunity to analyse your team's workload and see if there's anyway you could help set natural boundaries that relieve your team of the stress that may be facing. 

Solution 2: Communication

Another solution Ben outline is communication, specifically two-way communication between management and employees. 

For employees, Ben recommend being open and honest with your managers to ensure your feelings are catered for. Similarly, for a manager, perhaps now could be a good time to run a workplace audit or survey to see how your team really feels, helping to iron out any issues and make way for a healthy and productive environment.

Solution 3: Provide Employee Benefits

As shown above, the buck doesn't stop with the employees. Employers can play a huge role in helping improve the well-being of their team, with one of the most powerful solutions being employee benefits. 

When employee benefits are mentioned, most people's minds may go to factors such as holidays and pay rises, but there are many other examples of great benefits to provide for your team

One of the employee benefits that can be provided for teams across the country is workplace transport (AKA employee shuttles), which provides a holistic solution to both the employee's concerns and the issues that the business itself may be facing. 

For example, some of the many benefits of these shuttles include providing a low-cost, sustainable way for your team to get to work whilst also allowing the company to engage new talent from beyond the local area.

If you'd like to see how workplace shuttles can help your business, then we at RideTandem can help you.

Contact us via the form below and one of our specialists will show you which routes you could set up and provide you with a free quote.

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